The Genealogical Society of Bergen County (GSBC) is a non-profit society founded in 1973 to assist those researching their family heritage, to assist those seeking out and preserving information about the families and genealogical records of the greater Bergen County area, and to offer educational and research assistance to all those interested in genealogical research.
They offer an exciting calendar of ongoing programs and events—including hands-on workshops, computer classes, films, roundtable discussions, and lectures featuring renown genealogy and local history experts and speakers.
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Genealogical Society of Bergen County - Monthly Meeting (Webinar)
From Shoebox to Digital Archive - Essential Photo Scanning and Organization for Genealogy
Presentation by GSBC Webmaster, Michelle D. Novak, MI
Via Zoom
January 27, 7:00 ET
Part 1. In this introductory presentation, Michelle D. Novak will share her insights gleaned from a long career as a designer, photographer, and archivist, and will share tips and advice about digitizing your family photographs. Topics include an overview of scanning, organizing and archiving digital files. Part 2 is on February 24.
Registration required, here.
All GSBC events, meetings and webinars are free and open to the public.
For more information about our society, visit our web site, here.
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Genealogical Society of Bergen County - Monthly Meeting (Webinar)
From Pixels to Perfection - Retouching Tools for Family Photos
Presentation by GSBC Webmaster, Michelle D. Novak, MI
February 24, 7:00 PM ET
Join us for part two on this topic where we’ll explore what you can do with your images after you’ve scanned them—including repairing and enhancing images as well as a short discussion on emerging AI-driven tools.
Registration required, here.
All GSBC events, meetings and webinars are free and open to the public.
For more information about our society, visit our web site, here.