Materials Selection & Reconsideration Policy
Materials Selection & Reconsideration Policy
The Materials Selection and Reconsideration Policy of East Rutherford Memorial Library supports the library’s Mission and maintains the following principles:
All criteria are measured by the professional judgment, knowledge, and experience of the Director, Children’s Librarian, and library staff.
2. Gifts: The library encourages and accepts gifts with the understanding that it will be added to the collection only when the items meet the same standards required of purchased materials. Gift materials which do not meet those standards, are out-of-date, are unneeded duplicates, or are in a format unsuitable for library use may be placed on the library’s free shelf or recycled.
3. Weeding: Outdated, worn, damaged or lost items will be assessed by staff members to determine if replacements are warranted. Materials that have low circulation will be considered for weeding.
4: Controversial Materials: The library staff will, at all times, attempt to select materials that represent a wide range of viewpoints and exercise impartiality in all selection activities. The public library is unique among institutions as an unbiased repository for the recorded expression of thought for public use, and therefore, provides free access to all points of view. The library attempts to provide materials of interest to all members of the community, regardless of age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, education level, or cultural background.
5. Parental Responsibility: Responsibility for the reading material of juveniles lies with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of adult materials will not be based on the possibility that perceived-unacceptable books may be viewed or borrowed by young people.
6. Challenged Materials: The library will review the selection of a specific item upon request of a member of the community. Patrons may file a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form, and material challenges will be handled by the Director.
7. Library Ethics: Also adopted by the Library Board as part of the Materials, Selection & Reconsideration Policy are the following American Library Association statements:
*Library Bill of Rights
*Freedom to Read Statement
*Freedom to View Statement
*Labeling and Rating Systems
Adopted by the Board June 2022.
The Materials Selection and Reconsideration Policy of East Rutherford Memorial Library supports the library’s Mission and maintains the following principles:
- Criteria: Criteria used in materials selection are listed below in alphabetical order:
- Appropriate physical format
- Artistic excellence
- Award-winning or “classic” titles
- Contemporary or historical significance
- Current interest
- Curricular enrichment
- Entertaining presentation
- Favorable reviews in reviewing sources
- Intended age and reading/listening/viewing level
- Patron requests
- Price
- Relation to other materials in order to maintain impartial but comprehensive collection
- Scarcity of materials on a subject/author/performer
- Subject area and collection-development value
- Technical value
- Value as a source/reference material
All criteria are measured by the professional judgment, knowledge, and experience of the Director, Children’s Librarian, and library staff.
2. Gifts: The library encourages and accepts gifts with the understanding that it will be added to the collection only when the items meet the same standards required of purchased materials. Gift materials which do not meet those standards, are out-of-date, are unneeded duplicates, or are in a format unsuitable for library use may be placed on the library’s free shelf or recycled.
3. Weeding: Outdated, worn, damaged or lost items will be assessed by staff members to determine if replacements are warranted. Materials that have low circulation will be considered for weeding.
4: Controversial Materials: The library staff will, at all times, attempt to select materials that represent a wide range of viewpoints and exercise impartiality in all selection activities. The public library is unique among institutions as an unbiased repository for the recorded expression of thought for public use, and therefore, provides free access to all points of view. The library attempts to provide materials of interest to all members of the community, regardless of age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, education level, or cultural background.
5. Parental Responsibility: Responsibility for the reading material of juveniles lies with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of adult materials will not be based on the possibility that perceived-unacceptable books may be viewed or borrowed by young people.
6. Challenged Materials: The library will review the selection of a specific item upon request of a member of the community. Patrons may file a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials” form, and material challenges will be handled by the Director.
7. Library Ethics: Also adopted by the Library Board as part of the Materials, Selection & Reconsideration Policy are the following American Library Association statements:
*Library Bill of Rights
*Freedom to Read Statement
*Freedom to View Statement
*Labeling and Rating Systems
Adopted by the Board June 2022.