Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
No one should go hungry. Staff from the Community Food Bank of NJ
will pre-screen for food stamp eligibility and help with online applications for
this vital public assistance program.
Documents necessary to apply for food stamps are:
* Identification (for everyone in the household)
* Social Security numbers (for everyone in the household)
* Utility bills (gas, electric, oil, water, and telephone)
* Rent receipt/agreement or mortgage statements and/or tax bill
*Proof of income (for everyone in the household)
* Medical expenses - only if you are 60 and older and/or disabled
* Children's day care expenses.
NOTE: If you are a permanent resident, you must have at least five (5) years of residency to qualify for food stamps. If you are non-documents and have children that are American citizens or permanent residents, you can apply for food stamps on their behalf.
Tuesday, July 19th & Tuesday, August 16th
from 1:30 - 4:30 PM
Please note the approximate time we can expect you in the "Notes" field when you register. While we cannot guarantee exact appointments, this will help us help you in a timely fashion!
For additional information or income guidelines visit www.cfbnj.org or call 1-800-609-3663